No more I will be smuggling saucisson (french salami but way better!) into the country. Custom officials at Keflavík airport have confiscated around 5 tons of meat products so far this year of which 1.7 tons were salami!
I did already bring some meat product from Iceland to France. A couple of years ago, I got some hangikjöt (smoked lamb) in my Christmas hamper and I decided to bring it to France. It was an easy process. You go to the Ministry of Agriculture (Landbúnaðarráðuneyti, which is situated behind the National Theater of Iceland) and there you pay to get a sticker stipulating that the meat is from Iceland and is free of any diseases. That's it!
Anyway, the "traveling" hangikjöt was cooked and prepared in France where it did not received the favorable reception from the french palates... But my brother's dog, Sky, loved it and gave it the 2 "paws" up!
Weather outside: mostly cloudy, 7°C
hello friend. can't figure out how cold 4 degrees (C) right there. in my country, it's hotter 27. greetings from malaysia. i came in here, accidently, but u hv a nice blog to share :)
Youpi... avec toute cette saucissonaille, tu va pouvoir faire des raclette parties....
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